Maximize Space With a Sleeper Sofa


Olin Collection by Benchcraft

A sleeper sofa is a multi-functional furniture piece that serves as a sofa by day and a bed by night. Sleeper sofas are great for smaller living spaces, like apartments or a home office. Similar to a futon, the sleeper sofa folds out into a comfortable bed, but looks like a true sofa. These pieces come in a variety of colors, textures and sizes, so you can be sure to find one to match any style décor.


Bearmerton Collection by Signature Design by Ashley

Choose the correct size.

The sizing of the sleeper sofa you choose, should accommodate the space you are seeking to place it in. Even though it saves space, it still takes up space. Consider how much footprint it will require to expand the sofa into the bed, where you want to place it in your home and what functionality do you desire from it. Do you need a queen-sized bed, or will a twin suffice? Sofas sleepers are sized as per the mattress it contains. How long should the sofa be? Do you want a flip out bed or one that can pull out from underneath? Choose the option that works best for your lifestyle!


Olsberg Collection by Signature Design by Ashley

A Wide Range of Materials

Leather is sturdier than fabric when you need it to hold up against soiling factors like children and pets. Choose the material and color of your sleeper sofa depending on your lifestyle needs. If your furniture is susceptible to soiling, consider a darker color to camouflage any stains that occur. They make washable fabrics too, so you aren’t going to be locked into one or the other style. It’s possible to have a great looking white sofa, even with messy family members!


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